Liber Psychosis Ex Machina
$16.95 + S&H
By P. Emerson Williams
The words and images that open up the world of Choronzon's Psychosis Ex Machina as part of the release of Psychosis Ex Machina Decay and Bloodshed edition through PANICMACHINE.
We have an extremely limited number of the following available. We hope to add more distributed titles as we grow.
Panic Pandemic - Hardcover
$47.97 + S&HBy P. Emerson Williams
The silent stand aside, screaming. Seas of blood swirl around them in a storm of heat and clamor. Decomposition has many things to tell you, things that are crucial to your well-being, truths you have been seeking for generations. Sometimes you act like you can hear, but it loses all coherence at these moments. Sometimes your minds take the atmospheric gibbering and fit a pattern over it, creating seeming inspiration, giving their shouts the shape of stories.
Pages: 146
Binding: Hardcover (casewrap)
Interior Ink: Full color
Weight: 1.42 lbs.
Dimensions (inches): 8.25 wide x 10.75 tall
Panic Pandemic Perfect Bound
$37.00 + S&HBy P. Emerson Williams
Pages: 146
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback
Interior Ink: Full color
Weight: 1.34 lbs.
Dimensions (inches): 8.5 wide x 11 tall

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